Is it a Dinosaur? Or an Osprey Chick?
When I visit Grade 2 classrooms to talk about ospreys, there is always debate about this picture. The students are usually split pretty evenly: half think the newly hatched chick is creepy looking and...
Osprey Nests Around the World
If you are looking for truly unscripted reality television, check out an osprey nest cam. Family squabbles, sibling rivalry, murderous intruders, and first flights are all high drama in the osprey world. Nest cams...
Waiting in Anticipation
It’s early May, and all over the northern hemisphere, ospreys are starting their families. They’ve spent some time sprucing up the nursery, lining the nest with soft materials like grass, and females should be...
Nest Building, Osprey-style
It’s late April, and all over the northern hemisphere ospreys are arriving at their summer homes after a long migration. Males and females usually arrive separately and whoever gets to the nest first begins...
Ospreys are on the Move
How many kilometers do you expect your car will log in the next 10 years? 100,000? 200,000? More? Compare that to an osprey, which may fly more than 250,000 km in its lifetime as...
A nestcam on Kauai
What bird eats mostly squid, can live more than 50 years, and may be able to sleep while flying? The Laysan Albatross, that’s who! While we wait for the ospreys to return to their...