A beautiful day for inspiration


Real squirrels are one of my favourite animals.  Not those imported black things that bounce along the top of my fence and nest in the chimney if we give them half a chance.  Red squirrels like this one are the real deal, with a beautiful, plush coat and fluffy tail.  Today I learned that you can tell that the red squirrel is related to the Richardson ground squirrel by the ring around his eye.  Cool.

IMG_0523  Chickadees are fun.  They are such friendly birds, happy to take black sunflower seeds from an outstretched hand.  With just a little phishing, we had a half dozen black-capped chickadees and one boreal chickadee literally eating out of our hands.  What is phishing, you ask?  A soft f-sh f-sh f-sh sound will get a chickadee’s attention and he will come to investigate.  And, of course, he’ll tell his friends you have food and you will become the life of their little chickadee party.

Sunshine, blue sky and great friends provided a much-needed break from my desk.  Tomorrow it’s back to work!

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