Five Fast Facts for Friday: Manta Rays

When I’m swimming in the ocean, it’s always in the back of my mind that a ray could be underfoot. They’re flat, well-camouflaged and downright scary. Remember how Steve Irwin died? As I researched facts about manta rays, though, I began to calm my fears. Here are five cool facts about these giants of the ocean:

Giants of the Ocean: Manta Rays is a non-fiction resource for readers in Grades 3 - 5.

Giants of the Ocean: Manta Rays is a non-fiction resource for readers in Grades 3 – 5.

  1. A manta ray is the largest of 534 species of rays and can weigh up to 3,000 pounds (1650 kilograms).
  2. A manta ray does not have a barbed tail and its mouth is at the front of its head, not underneath.
  3. It has 18 rows of tiny teeth used to filter food, not bite or chew.
  4. Scientists can identify a manta ray by the unique pattern of spots on its white underside – like a fingerprint.
  5. A newborn manta ray pup is about 4 feet (1.2 m) wide and will grow to about 22 feet (6.7m) wide.

Manta rays are graceful, gentle creatures – but I have to admit that their alien-like appearance still freaks me out!


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